Meet SOA's Hubs Endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade


SOA Blog

Sustainable Ocean Alliance is accelerating ocean solutions around the world. Here are their stories.

Running from 2021 to 2030, the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (or the ‘Ocean Decade’) is a global initiative aimed at generating the research, knowledge, investments, and solutions needed for more robust, science-informed policies to better protect and safeguard our ocean—and the species and communities that depend on it. 

In highlighting their exceptional work to accelerate ocean action in their communities and beyond, two SOA Hubs have been endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade as official Decade Actions.

Learn more about their projects in the spotlight below. 


SOA Tanzania

SOA Tanzania-1Location: Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

Hub Leader: Ailars David 

One of our largest hubs boasting 240+ members, SOA Tanzania's mission is to develop innovative ocean solutions to encourage sustainable use of the marine natural resources in the coastal water bodies of Tanzania.

SOA Tanzania’s Grass Underwater Project adopts seagrass meadows and mangrove areas in Tanzania for monitoring, restoration, and conservation while also providing ocean literacy and education to local coastal communities.

To date, SOA Tanzania has planted more than 18,500 mangroves and 100 hessian bags of seagrass across 3,000 hectares.

Learn more about SOA Tanzania here and follow them on Instagram @soatanzania_.


SOA Campinas (Projeto TransforMAR)

SOA CampinasLocation: Campinas, Brazil 

Hub Leader: Alexandre da Silva

Carried out in collaboration with Associação Tatauga Dive, SOA Campinas (or Projeto TransforMAR) aims to disseminate environmental education and ocean literacy to young people by providing learning opportunities, open discussions, interactive activities, and field experiences to explore and discover the underwater world.


A strategy for social transformation, Projeto TransforMAR believes that diving is for everyone. By integrating the transformative experience of diving with educational activities focused on marine biology and ocean preservation, this Hub works to instill the importance of living in harmony with nature. 

Learn more about Projeto TransforMAR here and follow them on Instagram @proj.transformar.
