University of Southern Mississippi Watershed Cleanups


SOA Blog

Sustainable Ocean Alliance is accelerating ocean solutions around the world. Here are their stories.

SOA U. of So. Mississippi Hub members removed removed trash from the Pearl River watershed over three cleanups February through May.

LLT Cleanup 1

Members of SOA U. of So. Mississippi remove trash from the Pearl River watershed

Hub Leader Megan Hansen led a crew of students on cleanup projects on February 20, March 20, and May 1st. 


Though turnout was lower due to Covid-19, students were still able to remove trash from Red Bluff and the surrounding area, which drains into the Pearl River.

LLT Cleanup

The Pearl is an important river in Mississippi, and there's a nonprofit dedicated to cleaning it up. Check out the Pearl Riverkeepers if you are in Mississippi and want to get involved in regular cleanups.

Southern Miss Hub

University of Southern Mississippi Hub members at Gulfport, MS (L to R): Matthew Hertzog,  Sarah Toepfer, Taylor Guild, and Megan Hansen. Find more information about them, including their social profiles, on their Hub page.


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